Voldemārs Johansons / PAiR gallery

The ecosystems of northern Norway, the Faroe Islands and the Svalbard Archipelago are experiencing rapid changes, and even the most conservative forecasts indicate that the North Pole’s ice sheet will melt completely in summers in the foreseeable future. In it, Johansons explores the ways to look at this part of the planet affected by climate change from a point of view in which the experience of observing the physical environment and landscapes has already been partially transferred to the realm of virtual reality technologies.

Voldemars Johansons (1980) is a composer and artist who in his creative practice combines interest in visuality, sound and science. His installations and compositions are based on data created by the analysis of environmental phenomena with a scientific approach.

Video: Toms Šķēle

The exhibition is supported by: VKKF and Kurzeme Cultural Programme 2022